Facebook Login Add-On


The Facebook Login Add-On is a premium one, you can buy it in one of our subscriptions. Thank you!

The Facebook Login Add-On allows you to store a Facebook account information in a form.

  • Add a "Login with Facebook" button to your form
  • If the user is logged in, the button won't be shown, and automatically, the fields will be filled with his facebook account information.
  • Map what facebook account data you want to store in a field.

Installing Facebook Login Add-On

The Facebook Login Add-On installing process is very simple, same to any other Add-On. To install the Facebook Login Add-On go to Add-Ons menu and configure it.

Set Up a Facebook Login

Forms are created through the Form Builder. You just need to drag and drop the fields your form needs.

Then, add a Snippet field and enter the following text: <!--facebook_login--> . The text will be replaced by the Facebook Login Button. This will allow adding the button anywhere on the form.

To display the Facebook Login into the Form, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Add-ons Manager and click on Facebook Login.
  2. Click the Add Login button.
  3. A form will appear with the following fields:
    • Form: Select the form to work.
    • Status: Can be:
      • On: Enable
      • Off: Disable
    • Facebook App ID: Click here to create your Facebook App, here to learn how to configure your Faceboo App and here to learn how to see the available permission keys.
    • Facebook App Version: API Version. For example: "v4.0"
    • Facebook App Scope: For example: "email"
    • Login Button: HTML Code to display the Link with the ID: facebook-login. E.g. " Login"
    • Logout Button: HTML Code to display the Link with the ID: facebook-logout. E.g. " Login"
    • In Fields section, you must select the Form fields that will be filled with Facebook information. In Facebook data you must enter the key used to get the information (with authorized permissions). For example, 'name', 'gender' or 'birthday'.
    • Click Save

Disable / Enable a Facebook Login configuration

To stop a Form field temporarily, you can choose to disable and enable later.

To disable it, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Add-ons Manager and click on Facebook Login
  2. Click the Actions button of the Form to disable.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Change the state from On to Off or vice versa.
  5. Click Update.

Delete a Facebook Login configuration

To delete a Facebook Login configuration, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Select the checkbox of the Form configuration to delete
  2. Click Bulk Actions
  3. Click Delete
  4. Finally it will show a popup asking to confirm your decision to delete the configuration.

The page will reload and the selected item will be deleted.