Field Encryption Add-On


The Field Encryption Add-On is a premium one, you can buy it in one of our subscriptions. Thank you!

If you collect personal data, private data or sensitive data with your iform4u installation (name, address, phone, email, birthdate, SSN, etc.) and/or are working on GDPR compliance you should use this add-on to protect your user information.

Powerful Data Encryption

AES-256 Bank/Military grade database storage encryption

Multiple Field Encryption

A single configuration to encrypt a field, several fields or all the fields of your forms.

Custom Friendly Messages

Show a customized message that registered users will see when viewing your encrypted data.

Grant View / Edit Permissions

By default, only you can see the encrypted fields. However, you can grant permission to view/edit encrypted data to other users.

Install Field Encryption Add-On

The Field Encryption Add-On installing process is very simple, same to any other Add-On. To install the Field Encryption Add-On go to Add-Ons menu and configure it.

Create a Field Encryption

To create a field encryption, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Add-ons Manager and click on Field Encryption.
  2. Click the Set Up a Form button.
  3. A form used to configure the encryption will appear.
    • Form: Select the form to validate.
    • Status: Can be:
      • On: Enable encryption
      • Off: Disable encryption
    • Permission to visualize / edit encrypted data: It's composed of: "Grant" or "Deny". If you deny the permission to some users, the rest will be granted permission.
    • Users: Select the users who can see and edit the encrypted data
    • Fields: It's composed of:
      • Field: Choose the field to encrypt its value.
      • Display: The custom message to display instead of the original value. E.g. --Personal Data--, -PERMISSION DENIED- or XXXXXX
  4. Click Create