Limit Choices Add-On


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This add-on allows you to limit how many times each choice on a choice-based field may be selected (e.g. Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Select List). Exhausted choices will get a custom message to prevent users from being able to select the choice for future entries.

Apply limits to all choice field types

Supports Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Drop Downs, and Multi Selects.

Use a custom validation message on each option

You can define the error message that you want to show when the value selected choice is exhausted.

User-friendly back end controls

Enable limits with a single click. Apply limits to choices with ease.

Know how many times an option has been selected

See how many times an option has been used and how many selections are available quickly.

Install Limit Choices Add-On

The Limit Choices Add-On installing process is very simple, same to any other Add-On. To install the Limit Choices Add-On go to Add-Ons menu and configure it.

Set Up a Form to Limit Choices

To limit choices in a form, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Add-ons Manager and click on Limit Choices.
  2. Click on the Set Up a Form button.
  3. A form used to configure the limits will appear.
    • Form: Select the form to validate.
    • Status: Can be:
      • On: Enable limits
      • Off: Disable limits
    • Field Mapping: It's composed of:
      • Field: Choose the field to be limited.
      • Choice: Choose the field choice to be limited.
      • Limit: Set the limit. It must be a positive number, for example 100.
      • Used: It's the number of times a choice have been used. It must be a positive number, for example 50.
      • Available: It's the number of times a choice can be selected. It must be a positive number, for example 50. This number should be below than the Limit. When it is 0, the choice can't be selected.
      • Message: The custom error message that will be displayed when the Available number is 0.
  4. Click Create