CleverReach Add-On


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The iform4u CleverReach Add-On gives you an easy way to integrate all of your online forms with the CleverReach email marketing service. Collect and add subscribers to your email marketing lists automatically when a form is submitted.

Install CleverReach Add-On

The CleverReach Add-On installing process is very simple, same to any other Add-On. To install the CleverReach Add-On go to Add-Ons menu and configure it.

Create a Sign Up Form

Forms are created through the Form Builder. You just need to drag and drop the fields your form needs.

Then, from the CleverReach Add-On interface you can select the fields that will collect the necessary information to send to CleverReach. For example, email, name and custom fields, etc.

Now, to create a Sign Up Form follow the next steps:

  1. Click the Set Up a Form button
  2. Enter your CleverReach Client ID and Client Secret. Then, Click Connect to CleverReach. To find these keys, go to CleverReach's account and follow the next steps:
    • Inside the CleverReach Admin navigate to My Account > Extras > REST API
    • There you find the button "Create OAuth", which opens a menu. Add an App Name (e.g. My iform4u), select the REST API version 3 and select all the Scopes in order to give permission.
    • Inside the section "Your Oauth Apps" you will find your entry. There you'll find a Client ID and a Client Secret, these are required inside iform4u.
  3. Finally, you need to map the form fields (iform4u) to the list fields (CleverReach).
    • Select your Form
    • Select your List
    • Click on Status: ON.
    • Enable an Opt-In Condition. The opt-in condition shows that in order to forward information to CleverReach, the field value must be present when the form is submitted. It's usually a Checkbox field, for example: A checkbox with the label: “Sign-up to our newsletter”.
    • In the section Map Fields:
      • Select the Email Field (required)
      • Select the Tags Field (optional)
      • Select the Subscriber Status (optional)
      • Select the DOI Form (required)
      • Map a Form Field to a List Field (CleverReach Custom Field)
  4. Save the Form.

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